Are you already planning what’s going to be different? What you want to change? Do you want to lose some weight, eat better, work harder? What are your goals for 2021?
For some, the whole ‘New Year, New You’ catchphrase can actually just add pressure and stress at a time when we’re already challenged. Statistics state that only 8% of people actually stick to their New Year’s resolutions, so we need to sugar-coat them to make them achievable, right?
Creating a new routine can be really beneficial, but only if:
a) you want to;
b) you have a goal to work towards;
c) your stress bucket is empty.
I will never forget a good friend of mine saying that the art of attraction is within the action. In other words, we have to make something look and feel really great to begin those small steps towards achieving it. Dark mornings and frozen streets really don’t help me want to put on my trainers and go for a run!

Your Goals for 2021
If you want to achieve something new this year, then make it feel achievable. Gift-wrap it. Think about how it will feel once you’ve achieved it. Then give yourself time to break it down. Tackle it in small steps and include a nice reward once you get to a certain point.
Give yourself the opportunity to consider what you would like to achieve. Then make a list or vision board so you can see it on a regular basis. We have a wonderful part of the brain called the anterior cingulate cortex which acts like our own little secretary. So, if we give our brain the right information, and hormones in the form of serotonin, then it will naturally work out a way of achieving what we want. Clever, huh? That’s solution-focused activity at its best.
Plan a day, get some peace and quiet, and really look at what you want in 2021. Then break it down into small steps so you can nail it!!
2021 may be different, but it doesn’t have to be negative.
If you’re struggling at the moment, in business or with a personal issue, book a FREE initial consultation for the new year. We can work together to get you back on form.