Local Opportunities

Local opportunities at the NSPCC 

The NSPCC Cambridgeshire Branch is calling on enthusiastic individuals from across the county to join them in their fundraising efforts and make a difference to children’s welfare and wellbeing in the East of England. 

For 10 years this successful branch has held numerous events that have raised a total of over £360,000 and they want to continue their fundraising efforts through luncheons, golf tournaments and other activities throughout 2022 and beyond. 

They’re looking for motivated individuals with plenty of imagination and little bit of spare time to help put on these events and bring new ideas to the table too. 

Bill Armstrong, the branch’s Chair, said: “Cambridgeshire volunteers can be proud of the enormous sum they have raised over the last 10 years. It is the result of a great deal of effort by a committed group, who care passionately about what the NSPCC, including its Childline service, do and they do so much to protect our vulnerable children. 

“The majority of funds raised are from organising events of value to local communities. Fundraising activity has been hit over the last two years by COVID but is now rebuilding. For personal reasons I will be stepping down later this year and, as a result, an opportunity has arisen for someone with energy and passion to take on the role of Chair and to work with a dedicated team of volunteers.”

A little can go a long way to making a difference to young people’s lives. £4 can answer a call to a child from one of our trained Childline counsellors, £5 can answer a call from one of our helpline practitioners to an adult concerned about the welfare of a child. 

If you would like to find out more about joining the branch or volunteering for collections for the NSPCC’s Childhood Day, we are also looking for volunteers on 10th June in Cambridge and Peterborough.

For further information please contact karen.olden@nspcc.org.uk on 07738 604848. 

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