How much of what you were taught at school do you use in your everyday life? More than two thirds of British employees wish they had been taught more financial skills at school, believing this would have improved their financial situation later in life1.
Pensions sit at the top of this list, with 40% of respondents saying better education would have encouraged them to take their own pension more seriously while they were young.

Skills we wish we’d learnt
Other financial topics British workers wish they had learnt about at school include:
- 28% Basic money management (e.g. budgeting)
- 28% Saving methods
- 27% General investment knowledge
- 23% Understanding interest rates
- 21% Mortgages and how to apply for them
Financial embarrassment
A separate study2 has revealed that 55% of UK adults don’t feel comfortable talking about money. In fact, nearly one in five (18%) cite shame or embarrassment as the primary reason. This is despite 48% saying they regularly worry about their finances.

The value of financial advice
Whether you have financial concerns or you’re looking for help understanding financial basics, I’m not here to judge. Instead, I can provide simple, jargon-free advice that can help you take control of your finances once and for all.

1Portafina, 2019 2Money and Pensions Service, 2020
WORDS Angela Davy-Makwana