As we come slowly out of the dark tunnel of CovId 19 a glimmer of light is on the horizon for the town of Whittlesey and the Villages. Sunday 12th September was earmarked for the traditional Whittlesey Festival but unfortunately this had to be cancelled, however Whittlesey Sports Association and some fantastic partners have organised another event for the community to look forward to. Welcome Back Whittlesey 2021 – The Big Bash will take place on the same date with the following events ALL WHICH ARE FREE thanks to support from Whittlesey Town Council, Fenland District Council,. Cambs County Council, Larkfleet Homes, EDP Insulation Group and the European Regional Development Fund.
Church services from 9.30am
A Royal British Legion Service at the Whittlesey War Memorial 12pm to celebrate 100 years of the RBL
Free sporting activities on the Manor Field 1pm-4pm why not have a go at archery, rifle shooting, fishing (from 11am)
A Golden Age Fair in the Manor Conference Centre 2pm-4pm (Free entry) confirmed stalls include
Fenland District Council
Neighbourhood Watch
Whittlesey Museum
Isle of Ely Women’s Institute
St Andrews Church
Age UK
Breathe Easy
Versus Arthritis
Care Network
Cam Sight
Healthy You
Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT)
East of England Ambulance Service
Think Communities Team (CCC)
Active Fenland
Cambridgeshire Libraries
Over 100 Classic vehicles on the Manor Field 1pm-4pm
Live music on the Manor Field 2pm-5pm with The Boatmen, Kill Me Kate and James Edmonds
Family disco 5pm-6.30pm at the Manor Conference Centre (Tickets are free by emailing Fenland Youth Radio (there will only be a limited number of tickets available )
For all other details then please go to Facebook The Big Bash or contact lead organiser Robert Windle