Cambridgeshire Mayor in front of the new VolunteerCambs Website.

New Volunteer Cambs Website – Make Your Mark by Volunteering

Whether you have 10 minutes to spare or 10 hours, in a few clicks, you can be matched with an organisation or group in the community which inspires you to make your mark, expand on the skills you already have, discover new ones, unlock your potential, or create lasting friendships with like-minded people.

All you need to do is visit the Volunteer Cambs website at, create an account and hey presto! At the click of a button, you can find the ideal cause to support right on your doorstep.

“Volunteering is not just about helping others”, say the creators of the new volunteer matchmaking service – “it’s also about what they’ll get in return. This includes a sense of purpose, wonderful experiences, and a whole lot of thanks from the causes they are helping.”

Volunteer Cambs works by asking organisations and groups to load up their opportunities and profiles directly so there’s always something new for a volunteer to look at every time they visit the site. And the good causes who are promoting their work benefit by having a continuous stream of potential volunteers.

The website has also had backing from the Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. Speaking about the launch of Volunteer Cambs, Dr, Nik Johnson said: “The role of volunteers in supporting our local communities is crucial, and it’s always humbling to see the efforts of our residents who give up their time and skills to support the causes that are important to them. I’m hugely excited about the impact the Volunteer Cambs portal is set to make in matching volunteers with the organisations that need them – and am proud to see our region leading the charge and shining an even brighter light on the importance of volunteering and making connections like never before.”

An enquiry form featured on the website will help groups and volunteers match up and contact each other, and there is even a chat function for those who want to dip their toe in first. Would-be volunteers can search for opportunities by location if transport is an issue, for instance, or by topics that match their skill set and interests.

“Volunteers benefit from knowing they can make a real positive difference and have a strong impact on their local area. Anyone can volunteer; you could be retired, a skilled professional, a student, a family who wants to volunteer together, or even a corporate team. Sharing talents with others connects all of us in a really special way and can boost our mental health and well-being too by helping us to feel valued, knowing that what we do as volunteers is appreciated and respected.”

Mark Freeman, CEO at Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service, Volunteer Cambs lead partner.

The Volunteer Cambs team will be out and about across Cambridgeshire over the coming year. You can also keep an eye on the site for more information and inspiring stories and photographs of great volunteer/group matches transforming lives and raising awareness of the value, impact and importance they’re having in their local area.

To find out how you can match your precious time to local good causes, visit It all starts with one act of kindness.

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