If you come across a book called ‘No Longer Last on the List’ with a note saying ‘Take me, I’m yours!’’ on your local park bench this autumn, don’t think it’s someone’s lost property or ignore it as a hoax. Think of it instead as a gift from the cosmos.
Award-winning entrepreneur and author Jo Bevilacqua is giving hundreds of free copies of her debut book using a method known as ‘bookcrossing’. Bookcrossing is a scheme that originated in America where people leave books in public places to be picked up and read by others who, in turn, pass them on.
No Longer Last on the List is a self-growth guide aimed primarily at tired, busy women who are juggling 1,001 responsibilities and struggle to put themselves at the top of their lists. The powerful guide is there to help women or mothers suffering from burnout set boundaries, overcome their limiting beliefs, and start their journey of self-discovery, but free of guilt or doubt.

The book explores many of the pressures faced by women today as well as what we can do to tackle them and feel more in control of our lives. This book takes you through a journey of growth and realisation, which includes multiple activities designed to make you really think about what’s holding you back, and what you can implement to solve these problems. We’ve only got one life, so why spend it serving someone else? No Longer Last on the List teaches you how to let go of the things that no longer serve YOU.
Jo Bevilacqua wrote No Longer Last on the List during the UK’s first lockdown. The book draws on her experience of creating and running three multi-award-winning businesses around the demands of raising a young family.
The powerful guides one year anniversary is coming up this month on October 12th! Along with the bookcrossing project, Jo is offering the guide on her website, and on Amazon at the discounted price of £9.99!
When No Longer Last on the List was released in the autumn of 2020, it went straight to the top of Amazon’s bestseller lists in several of its categories and has transformed the lives of hundreds of readers!
Jo appreciates her community so much, so thinks this is a great way to give something back, and continue to make real meaningful change to people’s lives. There are a ton of copies already hiding around the local area, and many more to come!
Jo says of this bookcrossing scheme, “All of the insights and activities in the book are based on my lived experiences and I’ve seen the difference they’ve made to so many people. I wanted to pay that forward and reach people who might not have heard about the book yet. I’m delighted that I have so many friends and readers of the book who have offered to leave copies of No
Longer Last on the List in their local parks. I love the idea of women chancing upon a copy of the book, knowing how important its message of self-care will be to them. Hopefully, they’ll see it as a gift from the universe!”
Of course, Jo realises that it’s important for the bookcrossing scheme to be COVID safe, which is why each copy of the book will be packed in a COVID-safe environment and left in a sealed waterproof bag.
The book has been described as ‘brilliant, straightforward and motivating’, and an ‘amazing read, well researched and will resonate with many people who find it hard to say no or to change their self worth’.
Jo said she is so happy to hear that so many people have been able to make changes to better their lives and their mindset, thanks to No Longer Last on the List.
Make sure you keep your eyes peeled the next time you go for a walk!